Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3 Easy Supplements To Enhance The Health Of Your Hair & Scalp At Your Next Service

Enhancing your scalp and hair experience can have positive health effects on the on-going health of your hair.  Alicia Thompson, Hair Therapist serving the southern calif. district for healthy hair reveals 3 very important tips you should receive at your next hair appointment to add better health to your scalp and hair.

Supplement Tip #1:
African Shea Butter Scalp Exfoliation Treatment -  Begin your hair care service with a lavish ancient African ritual practiced by kings and queens to remove dead skin, dirt, calcium build up and environmental toxins while stimulating and strengthening the hair at the roots below the scalp in the follicle area and promoting hair growth and blood circulation that carries nutrients and other needed supplies to the growth process for healthy hair.

Supplement Tip #2:
Ancient African Hair Mask For Healthy Hair -  Hair Masks are taught to be a healthy work out for hair.  Just as a mask is applied to the skin to improve spots, bumps and blemishes in one's appearance, a hair mask improves the overall (health) shape of your hair.  Mostly the "Rich" are believed to get these types of hair treatments because they are offered in mainly 5 star spa facilities around the world and cost as much as the room.  Hair Therapist reveal that most women don't know about the treatment.  Mask treatments are now made affordable on the salon level but not practiced y most cosmetologist. 

Contact LaJoyce's Coiffures Hair Therapy Center for more details on Mask Treatments.(951)-680-9422 or email inquiry to: healthyhaircenter@gmail.com

Supplement Tip #3:
Prescribed At-Home Maintenance Program -  Look Good Feel Better Organization has an advertisement that talks about how medical doctors are not the only one's "Prescribing" the latest cancer treatments.  That's right,  Hair Therapist are also in the prescription business.  An At-Home Maintenance Prescription for your own hair will complement the care and on-going health of your hair.  The prescription should be customized according to your hair texture and personal styling choices.  Your personal stylist fills you in on the do's and dont's to properly manage your hair lifestyle & upkeep at home.  

If your stylist or hair dresser does not prescribe, please contact LaJoyce's Coiffures for a free At-Home Maintenance Program consultation or e-mail inquiries to healthyhaircenter@gmail.com

These tips are a great service enhancement no matter what time of the year it is.  Let your scalp and hair truly feel invigorated while exposing natural beauty all in one service.

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